Surgical resection of Masaoka stage III thymic epithelial tumours with great vessels involvement: a retrospective multicentric analysis from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons thymic database

  1. Mendogni, P.
  2. Toker, A.
  3. Moser, B.
  4. Trancho, F.H.
  5. Aigner, C.
  6. Bravio, I.G.
  7. Novoa, N.M.
  8. Molins, L.
  9. Costardi, L.
  10. Voltolini, L.
  11. Ardò, N.P.
  12. Verdonck, B.
  13. Ampollini, L.
  14. Zisis, C.
  15. Barmin, V.
  16. Enyedi, A.
  17. Ruffini, E.
  18. Van Raemdonck, D.
  19. Thomas, P.-A.
  20. Weder, W.
  21. Rocco, G.
  22. Brunelli, A.
  23. Detterbeck, F.C.
  24. Venuta, F.
  25. Falcoz, P.-E.
  26. Tosi, D.
  27. Bonitta, G.
  28. Nosotti, M.
  29. Mostra tots els autors/es +
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery

ISSN: 1873-734X

Any de publicació: 2022

Volum: 62

Número: 4

Tipus: Article


Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible