Las arqueólogas del Consejo Superiorde Investigaciones Científicas durante el franquismo (1951-1975)

  1. Alba Fernández Gallego
Voces in crescendo: Del mutismo a la afonía en la historia de las mujeres en la arqueología española
  1. Díaz-Andreu, Margarita (coord.)
  2. Torres Gomariz, Octavio (coord.)
  3. Zarzuela Gutiérrez, Paloma (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico (INAPH) ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-1302-183-6

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 109-120

Type: Book chapter


This research analyzes the role of the women developing their professional activity within the framework of the CSIC’s Institute “Rodrigo Caro de Arqueología”, from its beginning as an independent institute until the end of the dictatorship (1951-1975). The internal structure of this institution was highly hierarchical and male-centred. This meant that women only got secondary positions such as grantees or assistants. The Institute “Rodrigo Caro” had a higher percentage of women than others. The aim of this study is to establish why archaeology became a more feminized space in comparison to others in the institution; what kind of roles and tasks they performed; and what became of these women in later years.