Prevención de náuseas y vómitos en mujeres gestantes con administración de rodajas de limón
- Jésica Palenzuela Díaz 1
- Paula Peinado Montellano 1
- José Martín González 1
- Natalia Mudarra García 1
- Margarita Villalba Cano 1
- 1 Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina, Parla (Madrid)
ISSN: 2605-3152
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 5
Issue: 18
Pages: 5-9
Type: Article
More publications in: Conocimiento Enfermero
Introduction. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed by screening tests. One of the tests performed is oral glucose overload, which causes side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Objective. The main objectives of this study were to analyze the frequency of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women who suck lemon after taking 100 grams of glucose compared to those who do not take it. Methodology. This study evaluates 80 patients through an unblinded randomized clinical trial, comparing patients who have sucked lemon after ingesting 100 grams of glucose against those who have not received it.Results. Statistically significant results were found, between having vomiting during the oral glucose overload test (0.006) and between having nausea during the oral glucose overload test (0.001). Conclusions. The patients who suck lemon slices after taking 100 grams of glucose, do not report nausea or vomiting compared to those who do not suck lemon.
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