Análisis de latencia y seguridad tras bloqueo nervioso digital con anestésico local con y sin vasoconstrictor en segundo dedo del pie

  1. González Benítez, Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Córdoba Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 16 June 2020

  1. Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo Chair
  2. Pedro V. Munuera-Martínez Secretary
  3. Marta Elena Losa Iglesias Committee member
  4. Daniel López-López Committee member
  5. Alfonso Martínez Nova Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 616713 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


BACKGROUND: The available evidence does not objectively establish the latency of local anesthetics (with or without vasoconstrictor) commonly used in digital blocks. There are few publications that have analyzed in experimental studies, the latency of the anesthetic solutions usually used in the clinic. Most of the existing studies have been carried out on fingers showing disparate and in some cases controversial results. PURPOSE: The study was conducted to investigate the onset time and safety profile of four different local anesthetic solutions. DESING: Randomized controlled clinical trial study. METHODS: One hundred twelve healthy volunteers were assigned to receive digital block on their second toe. Individuals were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: lidocaine 2%, lidocaine 2% with epinephrine, bupivacaine 0.5%, or bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine. Onset time was measured until detecting the absence of pinprick sensation. Oxygen saturation was measured in the infiltrated toe up to 60 minutes. RESULTS: The subjects in the groups of anesthetics with epinephrine had a significantly lower mean onset time. There were no significant differences regarding oxygen saturation between the groups and no adverse effects were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: The use of anesthetics with epinephrine can be an effective form of local anesthetic for digital blocks when a rapid onset of action, prolonged duration of anesthesia, and vasoconstrictive action are required.