Difusión del valor cultural en las ciudades patrimonio mundial de la Península IbéricaEstudio pormenorizado del caso de Toledo
- Martín Portugués, Inmaculada
- José Fariña Tojo Director/a
- María Teresa Pérez Cano Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de defensa: 17 de de juliol de 2017
- Miguel Ángel Troitiño Vinuesa President
- Víctor Fernández Salinas Secretari/ària
- Jose Manuel Aguiar Portela da Costa Vocal
- Eduardo Mosquera Adell Vocal
- Esther Higueras García Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
Regarding the thirtieh anniversary of Toledo’s registration in the World Heritage List, meant consider what kind of different strategies and dissemination activities are more suitable for the heritage value knowledge transmission. Futhermore, we wondered to which audience they are addressed, if there are other purposes beyond the tourist reality. A monitoring system is created to propose indicators for measuring parameters related to their management, their contents, timeliness and accessibility. Intended to diagnose, the real audience the dissemination activities are aimed at, helping to identify weaknesses and opportunities for their improvement, understood within a equal opportunities framework for all.