La edición crítica de los libros IX-XII de "La ciudad de Dios" de Agustín de Hipona

  1. Navarro España, Raúl
Supervised by:
  1. Emma Falque Rey Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 21 May 2018

  1. María José Muñoz Jiménez Chair
  2. Daniel López-Cañete Quiles Secretary
  3. Pablo Toribio Pérez Committee member
  4. Patricia Cañizares Ferriz Committee member
  5. Miguel Rodríguez-Pantoja Márquez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 541016 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This doctoral dissertation aims to offer a textual recension of the books IX-XII of Saint Augustine's De Civitate Dei. Firstly, we focus on Spanish manuscripts and codes, which some time ago we researched and studied. Secondly, we analyse the major manuscripts of all manuscript tradition by describing each of these codes in depth. Finally we present the aforementioned books together with the apparatus criticus and the apparatus fontium. This study follows the former investigations carried out by Dr Pérez Vega and Dr Toribio Pérez published by Alma Mater in 2013, which were started by Juan Bastardas in the middle of the 20th century. This thesis was originally written by its author in Latin and later translated into Spanish.