Música y Artes Visuales en la Educación: calidad del aprendizaje en una experiencia realizada desde un enfoque interdisciplinario

  1. Anceschi, Alessandra
Supervised by:
  1. Marco Dallari Director
  2. María-Cecilia Jorquera-Jaramillo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 27 April 2016

  1. José Luis Aróstegui Plaza Chair
  2. Carlos Escaño Secretary
  3. Sara Dellantonio Committee member
  4. Paola Venuti Committee member
  5. Gabriel Rusinek Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 396732 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


Starting from the arrangement of a teaching activity especially arranged, the research investigates the production of musical and / or visual artifacts developed (individually or in small groups) by 13- and 14-year-old students who attend the first level of the secondary Italian school (Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado). The development of the study has been based on the idea that these productions, carried out through an interdisciplinary action, can reveal a peculiar metacognitive quality of thought. The research method has adopted some Research-Action strategies, and is based on a hermeneutic-interpretative approach, whose analytical practices have been derived from the critical, aesthetic and semiological field. The systemic complexity of the survey suggested the adoption of an approach that can be defined as ecological. The results of the study led to identify a particular quality of thought, expressed at an operational and sensory level and therefore called sensitive metacognition. In this way the research intended to strengthen the existing relationship between creating and understanding-knowing, highlighting the ambivalent processuality that is reciprocally expressed by "give form to thought" and "give thought to form". The findings can be useful to understand the educational value of the building processes of an artistic identity, which is a necessary profile to identify the traits of a complete personality for students at the end of compulsory education.