Desobediencia civilsinergia entre teoría y práctica

  1. Zambudio Vivancos, Maria Josefa
Dirigée par:
  1. Alfonso Galindo Hervás Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 janvier 2016

  1. Francisco Jarauta President
  2. Antonio Rivera García Secrétaire
  3. César Ruiz Sanjuán Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Abstract: This research has been firstly aimed at proving that only in democratic states civil disobedience can be considered as the main form of dissidence. Furthermore, we have tried to investigate about the origin and the idea of the citizen, as subject of rights, through modern political theories. The concept of civil disobedience has been analyzed within the main theories by current authors such as Rawls, Habermas and Dworkin. Thus, from these premises, we will deal with the justification of civil disobedience in the moral, legal and political field. Finally, the study of practical cases, without claiming completeness, has been raised aiming at clarifying some mistakes about the phenomenon of civil disobedience, and at showing the diversity of actions inserted in a certain historical context. The methodology used for a first introduction to the topic of civil disobedience has been based on the reading of original sources: books, articles, interviews. In doing so, our attempt has been to elicit an initial opinion free of prejudices. Once notes of the reflections about these readings have been taken, we have broadened the ideas from other authors' texts also related to the topic by means of analyzing not only those who could support the established targets but also others who defend views to the contrary. It must be pointed out that most of the texts consulted, not having yet been quoted, have been very valuable for the achievement of a wider vision about the topic and, occasionally, have been used to alter the initial opinion about it, guiding the research . We have reached several conclusions. Firstly, based on both theory and practice, civil disobedience is a form of protest found in democratic States since the presuppositions that define the action itself coincide with the ones in the States previously mentioned. Secondly, only when men consider themselves as part of the power system, they are able to act so that they can achieve a better present situation. Thirdly, the difficulty and inconvenience of justifying disobedience in legal fields, bearing in mind that arguments in favour of such a justification are frequently found. Fourthly, it is accepted that the synergy between the theories on civil disobedience and the practice of it enrich both fields, and at the same time new forms of political action are created.