Automatic program analysis using Max-SMT

  1. Larraz Hurtado, Daniel
Dirigée par:
  1. Albert Rubio Gimeno Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 28 juillet 2015

  1. Robert Nieuwenhuis President
  2. Samir Genaim Secrétaire
  3. Jürgen Giesl Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 410139 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This thesis addresses the development of techniques to build fully-automatic tools for analyzing sequential programs written in imperative languages like C or C++. In order to do the reasoning about programs, the approach taken in this thesis follows the constraint-based method used in program analysis. The idea of the constraint-based method is to consider a template for candidate invariant properties, e.g., linear conjunctions of inequalities. These templates involve both program variables as well as parameters whose values are initially unknown and have to be determined so as to ensure invariance. To this end, the conditions on inductive invariants are expressed by means of constraints (hence the name of the approach) on the unknowns. Any solution to these constraints then yields an invariant. In particular, if linear inequalities are taken as target invariants, conditions can be transformed into arithmetic constraints over the unknowns by means of Farkas' Lemma. In the general case, a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem over non-linear arithmetic is obtained, for which effective SMT solvers exist. One of the novelties of this thesis is the presentation of an optimization version of the SMT problems generated by the constraint-based method in such a way that, even when they turn out to be unsatisfiable, some useful information can be obtained for refining the program analysis. In particular, we show in this work how our approach can be exploited for proving termination of sequential programs, disproving termination of non-deterministic programs, and do compositional safety verification. Besides, an extension of the constraint-based method to generate universally quantified array invariants is also presented. Since the development of practical methods is a priority in this thesis, all the techniques have been implemented and tested with examples coming from academic and industrial environments. The main contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1. A new constraint-based method for the generation of universally quantified invariants of array programs. We also provide extensions of the approach for sorted arrays. 2. A novel Max-SMT-based technique for proving termination. Thanks to expressing the generation of a ranking function as a Max-SMT optimization problem where constraints are assigned different weights, quasi-ranking functions -functions that almost satisfy all conditions for ensuring well-foundedness- are produced in a lack of ranking functions. Moreover, Max-SMT makes it easy to combine the process of building the termination argument with the usually necessary task of generating supporting invariants. 3. A Max-SMT constraint-based approach for proving that programs do not terminate. The key notion of the approach is that of a quasi-invariant, which is a property such that if it holds at a location during execution once, then it continues to hold at that location from then onwards. Our technique considers for analysis strongly connected subgraphs of a program's control flow graph and thus produces more generic witnesses of non-termination than existing methods. Furthermore, it can handle programs with unbounded non-determinism. 4. An automated compositional program verification technique for safety properties based on quasi-invariants. For a given program part (e.g., a single loop) and a postcondition, we show how to, using a Max-SMT solver, an inductive invariant together with a precondition can be synthesized so that the precondition ensures the validity of the invariant and that the invariant implies the postcondition. From this, we build a bottom-up program verification framework that propagates preconditions of small program parts as postconditions for preceding program parts. The method recovers from failures to prove validity of a precondition, using the obtained intermediate results to restrict the search space for further proof attempts.