La Historia Evangelica de Juvenco en la edición de Faustino Arévalo

  1. Gil Abellán, María Carmen
Dirixida por:
  1. Francisca Moya del Baño Director
  2. José Carlos Miralles Maldonado Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 de decembro de 2004

  1. Marcelo Martínez Pastor Presidente
  2. Félix Sánchez Martínez Secretario/a
  3. Filomena Fortuny Previ Vogal
  4. Piergiorgio Parroni Vogal
  5. Carmen Teresa Pabón de Acuña Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The Thesis entitled ¿The Historia evangelica from Iuvencus in the Faustino Arévalo¿s edition¿ studies the text published by Arévalo of the latin-christian poet. We are offered the biography and the Iuvencian work ¿main characteristics and bibliographical review about Iuvencus. It deals with the biography and Arévalo¿s literary production; it describes the edition, the double structure of the commentary and Prolegomena. His contributions and their pervivence are evaluated. It studies the text ¿the first book- analysing the sources used in it (Manuscripts and editions), adding four charts with the Arevalian text and text review, which shows clearly his choices. It is notorius in his notae the good quality of the commentary. Some of them have been analysed in order to get to know his work, references to other Iuvencian verses, contribution of evangelical sources. There are general conclusions and finally it includes four appendices and a summary in Italian language.