Aprendizaje Cooperativo en Educación Infantilun estudio comparado de las relaciones de Tutoría y Cooperación en el área de Educación Plástica.

  1. Cano Tornero, María del Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. María Gracia Ruiz Llamas Director
  2. José Manuel Serrano González-Tejero Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2008

  1. María Teresa Calvo Llena Chair
  2. María Elena González-Herrero López Secretary
  3. María José Fernández-Díaz Committee member
  4. Alfredo Cuervo Pando Committee member
  5. Rosa María García López Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis aims at comparing academic performance in the Visual and Plastic Arts class during the first year of the second cycle of Infant and Nursery Education. It does so for three different working situations in the classroom - individualization, cooperation and tutorial and in connection with different categories of content - type of drawing (with three separate components: line, representation and colour); and type of activity (with thirteen components corresponding to thirteen course units). The analysis of the data obtained leads us to conclude that academic performance in the cooperation situation is higher than in the other two situations, no statistical differences having been found between the individualization and tutorial situations, although behaviour in the latter was worse than in the former. These results remained unchanged regardless of the activity involved, although differences were greater in activities with an element of cooperation. These results also apply to type of drawing, with the level of difficulty of the colour component ranking higher than line or representation.