Análisis de los portales periodísticos españoles. Taxonomía de sus elementos componentes.

  1. López Carreño, Rosana
Supervised by:
  1. José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz Director
  2. Francisco Javier Martínez Méndez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 September 2006

  1. José Antonio Moreiro González Chair
  2. Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón Secretary
  3. Marco Francisco Javier García Committee member
  4. Ricardo Pérez-Amat García Committee member
  5. María Dolores Ayuso García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The impact of the Internet in the communicational dimension has made the structures of the traditional mass media to stagger, having generated new communicative models among which the journalistic portals outstand as the most relevant examples. The present situation is the result of an evolutionary process spanning throughout the last decade, although the growing popularity of the Internet in the Information Society has recently caused a true outbreak. It is advisable, however, to carry out an exhaustive revision of the whole evolution of Digital Journalism up to todays standards, with the journalistic portals turning into the new and independent mass media. A sensible perception of the this fact calls for a taxonomic analysis of the components of the portals: informative products, documentary products and added value services. This analysis will enable us to define the degree of development of the Journalistic Portals, bringing up both the most positive aspects as well as all the detected deficiencies, along with the most likely tendencies of evolution involving the quality of their contents. The final result of this revision should provide a model of reference for the designing and developing of Journalistic Portals, based upon a series of development levels that will grant a methodology background for future projects in this field, with both a journalistic focus and a documentary one.