El círculo cerrado. Cobertura informativa de los conflictos internacionales de Estados Unidos en un siglo (1898-1991)Poder político y censura

  1. Vidal Coy, José Luis
  1. José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz Zuzendaria
  2. Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2006(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 27

  1. José Antonio Moreiro González Presidentea
  2. Francisco Javier Martínez Méndez Idazkaria
  3. Antonio López Hidalgo Kidea
  4. José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez Kidea
  5. Francisco Jarauta Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The relationship in between the political and military powers and the mass media in the United States has changed as quickly as during the 20th Century evolved the techniques and the press coverage of events. The military censorship began during the Secession War in the United States (1861-1865). Later on the control circle was well wide open since the Spanish-American War in Cuba and Puerto Rico(1895-1898) until it was steadely locked in the Gulf War (1991) and the aftermath of the terrorist attacks against the Trade World Center and the Pentagon (9/11/2001). What started as an open subject in the Spanish-American War, the non-existent censorship evolved sinuousely through the relations of the U.S.A. political and military powers with its own mass media. From that point, It went from the rise of propaganda in the first World War to the whole symbiosis registered in the Second World War. Further on the evolution followed whith the first recorded divisions at the end of that same World War and during the military conflict in Corea aswell, originating a permanent quarrel between the media and the military and political establishments due to the Vietnam War coverage, and ending in the new closure of the circle with the nearly total control imposed by the Pentagon on the media from the very begining of the 1991 Gulf War against Irak.