Re-habilitación auditiva y del lenguaje hablado en población con pérdida auditiva en edad escolar

  1. Alcalde Rabanal, Sonia Maritza
Dirixida por:
  1. Ángeles Gutiérrez García Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 18 de novembro de 2021

  1. Moussa Boumadan Hamed Presidente/a
  2. Cristina Serrano García Secretario/a
  3. Teresa Simón López Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The present research work is framed within the linguistic communicative field, who’s object of study focuses on the empowerment and rehabilitation of spoken language and hearing in subjects with hearing loss in school age; the same ones that can function as listeners or non-listeners depending on the type of re-enabling intervention to which they have been exposed. It is known that any sensory disability implies a handicap in the full development of the subject and his cognitive, socio-emotional, academic-work skills ...; hence the need to opt for a clinical-educational intervention that helps repair the auditory pathway and provides the necessary mechanisms to function as normally as possible in any context of interaction; in which the family plays a preponderant role as the original source of the natural and spontaneous communicative auditory events necessary for the linguistic assembly of subsequent larger processes. This research considers the importance of the repair and stimulation of the auditory pathway through a unisensory approach of auditory and verbal character, that is, through the philosophy of Verbal Hearing Therapy (TAV) who acts as an efficient catalyst in the development of Spoken language of children with hearing loss of various ages; Sample exposed to the aforementioned re-enabling approach achieves auditory functioning equal to or greater than its hearing peers, however the non-intervened group shows very significant limitations in relation to the listeners and those who function as listeners without being. Regarding the level of production in spoken language, the results are encouraging, in fact, the subject intervened at an early level presents an operation above the average of his listening peers, only in the subjects of late and very late intervention there is the sporadic absence of a phoneme (coined with maxillofacial malformation and the other subject belonged to a linguistic community familiar with this speech pattern) suprasegmentally only academic errors have been evidenced in some unknown words of a philosophical order, or of Latin or Greek, however to colloquial level the performance is ideal