Zeolite Adsorbents for Selective Removal of Co(II) and Li(I) from Aqueous Solutions
Díez, Eduardo
- Redondo, Cinthya
Gómez, José María
Miranda, Ruben
- Rodríguez, Araceli
ISSN: 2073-4441
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Pages: 270
Type: Article
More publications in: Water
Cobalt and lithium are critical metals because of its shortage, difficulty of extractionand huge economic impact due to their market value. The purpose of this work is to study theirselective removal from aqueous solutions in different conditions using two commercial FAU zeolitesas adsorbent materials. These solids were characterized by XRD, XRF and BET analysis, to follow upof their FAU structure integrity, their Si/Al ratio, and their specific surface area evolutions throughtheir preparation process. The kinetic study indicates that using both zeolites with a dosage of 5 g/L a100% cobalt removal from aqueous solutions is achievable, while lithium removal is kept around 30%(separation factor of 3.33). This selectivity is important as these two metals frequently appear togetherin leaching solutions form, for example, ion-Li batteries. In relation to the adsorption equilibrium,cobalt adsorption presents a finite adsorption capacity while this behavior is not observed in lithiumadsorption. For this reason, Langmuir model is the most adequate to represent cobalt adsorption,while lithium adsorption is better represented by Freundlich model.
Funding information
Santander-UCM 2020 project
- PR108/20-07
Community of Madrid to C.R. through the program “Garantía Juvenil”
- CT103/19/PEJ-2019-AI/IND-13004
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