Convergencia, movilidad y redistribución interregional en España1981-1996
ISSN: 0210-9107
Argitalpen urtea: 1999
Zenbakia: 80
Orrialdeak: 19-28
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Papeles de economía española
We observe a gradual ongoing processof divergence as from 1984, which to a cortain extentmarked the end of the process of convergence that hadbeen observed ever since 1955, as weil as a decline in mobility in the nineties. We also assess the interregional redistribution resulting from direct policies affecting families. We break down the redistributive impact of the different policies (social benefits represent around 74 per cent of total redistribution) and weobserve some interregional redistributive biases of some significance.