Las relaciones entre China y América Latinaentre el pragmatismo y la gestión del riesgo
ISSN: 1697-6924
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: China: el desafío de la nueva potencia global
Issue: 212
Pages: 241-280
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de estrategia
Latin America and China have been strengthening their relation- ship over the past decade. The region has great productive com- plementarity with China, which has made it an area of special interest for this Asian country. In addition to trade, the relation- ship has been strengthened around the financing of development projects, and increasingly by a political relationship that China builds on its representation of the global South and using the concept of South-South cooperation. This relationship is very important for a region in need of support to overcome the traps that anchor it in its structural ills. However, the relationship is not without challenges, including the excessive pragmatism on which it is built, the asymmetry that allows China to impose its conditions and create conditions of dependence and the lack of capacity for risk and dispute governance, especially those of an environmental nature. This document contains an analysis of the evolution of the relationship and its different dimensions within the framework of a profoundly altered inter- national order.