Geoindicadores para la evaluación de los procesos geológicos que afectan al estado de conservación y uso público del patrimonio geológico. LIG boquerón del estena (P. N. de Cabañeros, Ciudad Real)

  1. A. Díez Hierro 1
  2. J. Vegas 1
  3. L. Carcavilla Urqui 1
  4. A. García Cortés 1
  5. A. Martín Serrano 1
  6. J.C. Gutiérrez-Marco 2
  7. I. Rábano 1
  8. E. Baeza 1
  9. M. Gómez Heras 2
  1. 1 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

    Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

    Madrid, España


  2. 2 Instituto de Geociencias

    Instituto de Geociencias

    Madrid, España


Patrimonio geológico y geoparques, avances de un camino para todos
  1. M. Mendia (ed. lit.)
  2. Asier Hilario (ed. lit.)
  3. Manuel Monge-Gamuzas (ed. lit.)
  4. E. Fernández (ed. lit.)
  5. J. Vegas (ed. lit.)
  6. Angel Belmonte (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-7840-962-4

Año de publicación: 2015

Páginas: 227-232

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The design of an instrument system for monitoring geoconservation and public use of a geoheritage element (icnofossils of giant worm burrows preserved in a Lower Ordovician quartzite bed) in the Boquerón del Estena geosite, located in the Cabañeros National Park (Toledo-Ciudad Real, Central-SW Spain) is presented. The system collects data on the frequency and magnitude of two geological processes: effective gelifraction, freeze-thaw cycles with the presence of water in the rock-joints and cracks; and flash floods of Estena River. To do this, in December 2013, were placed: a thermometer (equipped with two sensors inside and outside the rock-joint); one rain gauge of continuous recording; and a limnometer (flow gauge) that records the level of water surface in the river (every 10 minutes). Within the data recorded we have defined two geoindicators: 1. Number of cycles by effective gelifraction; 2. Time periods when the path is flooded. Those geoindicators are useful for the management of the geological heritage by the National Park administration and adoption, or not, and the design of structural actuations (covers, removing obstacles, runways ...) to ensure geoconservation and access to the geosite for public use.