Letras sin solla visión de Flandes en dos poetas soldados del renacimiento español
ISSN: 1885-8597
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Zenbakia: 6
Orrialdeak: 139-169
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Lectura y signo: revista de literatura
This article endavours to compare the visions of two men admired for their prowess in both military and poetic enterprises, Francisco de Aldana (who died in 1578) and Andrés Rey de Artieda (who died in 1605), as seen through their poems about the war in Flanders, the disasters of which they witnessed fi rst-hand. Their verse epistles show in a familiar, critical, and realistic tone, the misery and daily life of Philip II�s and Philip III�s soldiers. As a genre that lends itself to description and simulates a spontaneous communication, its blend of reality and literature allows us to understand more clearly the vicissitudes in these poets� military careers.