Comentario y evolución de la tutela judicial efectiva como derecho fundamental a través de su protección en el régimen constitucional español

  1. Daniel Martínez Cristóbal
Foro galego: revista xurídica

ISSN: 1695-5463

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 212

Pages: 197-221

Type: Article

More publications in: Foro galego: revista xurídica


This study analyzes the content of article 24 of the Spanish Contitution on the right to obtain effective judicial protection from judges and courts from the perspective of Constitutional Law. It is one of the Fundamental Rights that the State grants to the citizen to enforce his legitimate rights and interests and obtain a well-founded resolution. The incorporation of other figures such as conciliation, arbritation and mediation, requires redefining the current right to effective judicial protection in a broader sense than just accessing the solution of their conflicts