Aguas minerales bicarbonatadas españolas. Aplicaciones e indicaciones

  1. Francisco Maraver
  2. José Antonio De Gracia
  3. Lourdes Aguilera
  4. María Isabel Martín
  5. Iciar Vázquez
  6. Francisco Armijo
  7. Lorena Vela
Medicina naturista

ISSN: 1576-3080

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 17

Issue: 1

Pages: 26-31

Type: Article

More publications in: Medicina naturista


In Spain, bicarbonate spring waters are considered as those with a mineral content of at least 1 g/L of dry residue consisting of over 20% mEq/L of both bicarbonate ions, and “bicarbonate natural mineral waters” those that contain an amount equal to or greater than 600 mg/l of bicarbonate ion. The aim of this work is to determine the content of these substances in the water of 118 spanish spas and in 102 spanish natural mineral waters. As well as the application and indications in different systems or apparatus of human body. From the waters of the 118 spas analyzed 17 (14,4%) can be classified as bicarbonate water. The range concentration from 2.212 to 237 mg/L. Of the 102 natural mineral waters collected, 9 (8.8%) are considered bicarbonated. The range of concentrations varies from 2,196 to 672 mg/L. Applications these waters are rheumatic, digestives and respiratory diseases, in this order