Cultura, sociedad y diseño...tan cotidiano como sentarse
- Laura de Miguel Álvarez 1
- Silvia Nuere Menéndez-Pidal 2
- 1 Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España
- 2 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
ISSN: 2254-6073
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakia: 7
Orrialdeak: 139-152
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras
Design and culture are two concepts that have been advancing hand in hand throughout history; the design as that capacity that the human being has to devise and realize those objects that make life more pleasant and the culture as that place of encounter between human beings, perfect scenario to look for synergies and advance. Society, a frame of reference where actions take shape, conditions and molds people, who, while yearning for their own identity, are continually conditioned by the Other, entering again and again into processes of imitation. And finally, the chair, an essential element of our culture, illustrates in each moment the speech making reference to our concerns, desires, actions in constant consonance with the daily actions of the human being. The chair, that element that facilitates the attitude of stopping, resting and reflecting, also assumes a metaphorical dimension, socialization, loneliness, and work, in short, the main axis that brings together our past, present and future. And in this text the chair is the common thread that shows in images the relationship between Culture, Society and Design.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
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