The future of education and researchThe key factor of a correctelection of university

  1. J.F. Fondevila-Gascón
  2. A. Beriain-Bañares
  3. J.L. Del Olmo-Arriaga
  4. M. Carreras-Alcalde
  5. J. Sierra- Sánchez
  6. M.J. Pesqueira-Zamora
  7. C. Ruiz-Viñals
ICERI 2013
  1. Gómez Chova, Luis (comp.)
  2. López Martínez, A. (comp.)
  3. Candel Torres, I. (comp.)

Publisher: IATED Academy

ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 3036-3044

Type: Book chapter