Piensos ricos en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 aumentan la concentracion de progesterona plasmatica durante la gestación, y mejoran la fertilidad y el tamaño de los nacidos vivos en conejas

  1. N. Febrel 1
  2. M. Rodríguez 1
  3. J. Lopez Tello 1
  4. B. Velasco 1
  5. P. Millán 2
  6. R.M. García García 2
  7. M. Arias Álvarez 1
  8. P.L. Lorenzo 2
  9. P.G. Rebollar 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03n6nwv02

  2. 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

XVI Jornadas sobre Producción Animal: 19 y 20 de mayo de 2015, Zaragoza
  1. Javier Álvarez Rodríguez
  2. Begoña Panea Doblado
  3. Jorge Hugo Calvo Lacosta
  4. Mireia Blanco Alibés
  5. José Alfonso Abecia Martínez
  6. Daniel Villalba Mata
  7. María Ángeles Latorre Górriz

Publisher: Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario

ISBN: 978-84-606-7969-1

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 2

Pages: 432-434

Congress: Jornadas sobre producción animal (16. 2015. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper


One hundred and twenty seven rabbit does were fed ad libitum from rearing until 2nd weaning, two isofibrous, isoenergetic and isoproteic diets supplemented with two different fat sources: 3% lard for diet C (control) or 6% of a supplement (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) containing a 50% of ether extract and 38% of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for diet P (PUFA n-3). Does were inseminated at 4.5 months of age and then, at 32 days after the first parturition. Fertility and prolificacy were determined. Blood samples were obtained in 12 does of each group at -7, 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of pregnancy to determine plasma progesterone. In addition, 10 litters from each group with 10-11 kits, one day old, were measured determining their length, and their biparietal and thoracic diameters. Feed intake and prolificacy were similar in both groups. Supplementation with PUFA n-3 improved fertility at second AI. Progesterone concentrations on day 7 and 14 of pregnancy in PUFA does, and the size of their kits at birth were also increased.