The Absence of Any Basis for Secession in the Right of Self-Determination of Peoples and in the Serious Violations of Human Rights

  1. Perea Unceta, José Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Legal Implications of Territorial Secession in Spain
  1. Carlos Fernández de Casadevante Romani (dir.)

Editorial: Springer

ISBN: 9783031046087 9783031046094

Año de publicación: 2022

Páginas: 1-31

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-04609-4_1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor


The creation of States through secession, that is, regarding a separation not consented to by the parent State, has a very varied practice, especially depending on whether or not they are finally successful, but it allows the establishment of differentiating characteristics. The instruments adopted in the UN on the right of self-determination of peoples are aimed at a class of peoples: the colonies. Other peoples, such as national minorities, have a legal regime in current International Law that protects their rights to differentiation and non-discrimination, but does not recognize their external self-determination. However, as a consequence of the “safeguard clause” contained in UNGA Resolution 2615 of 1970, a doctrine of remedial-secession is being developed, which promotes the right of secession in the event of a serious violation of human rights. So far without recognition in international norms, neither in the conventional nor customary sense.

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