La valoración social como fundamento al diagnóstico clínico en el proceso de la eutanasiadéficits y factores a considerar desde el trabajo social sanitario

  1. Jiménez Rodríguez, José Manuel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva

    Universidad de Huelva

    Huelva, España


Agathos: Atención sociosanitaria y bienestar

ISSN: 1578-3103

Year of publication: 2022

Year: 22

Issue: 3

Pages: 58-63

Type: Article

More publications in: Agathos: Atención sociosanitaria y bienestar


The article reflects on “dying dignified” as an experience that is made possible and as a social debate that occupies media spaces where the opposite poles are highlighted. Some defending the delay of life in extremis regardless of the consequences or suffering that may be suffered, because death is considered a natural process. The others advocate for the legitimacy of the dignified death process, protected in the respect they have for it, in understanding that it is a personal and free matter supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Law. Where is the clinical social assessment left to make the social health diagnosis? What role do you play in Social Work in Health Care?