The Sustainable Humanist Concept in Art and Science Synergies
- Menéndez Pidal Silvia, Nuere
- Laura De Miguel Álvarez 1
- Acitores Suz, Adela
- Díaz-Obregón Cruzado, Raúl
- 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Departamento de Dibujo y Grabado.
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 2662-9461, 2662-947X
ISBN: 9783030652722, 9783030652739
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 207-233
Type: Book chapter
Humanism concept has evolved from its origins to the present day. This approach to life can also be found before and after the fifteenth century. Leonardo da Vinci is, for sure, the best reference, but we can also consider humanists Vitruvius and Humbolt, distant from the twenty-first century. Considering that one of the principles of humanism was to retake the ancient Greco-Latin cultures, it is necessary to take a tour around its fundamental elements. We will make a chronological tour of the Greek paideia, the liberal arts, finishing with the studia humanitatis to understand the elements that have endured and remain essential for forming the human being.
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