Procedimientos estéticos para engendrar originales. Apropiación, limpieza y transformación metafísica de lo falso en verdadero.

  1. Sergio Rodríguez Blanco 1
  1. 1 Universidad Iberoamericana
El Ornitorrinco Tachado: Revista de Artes Visuales

ISSN: 2448-6949 2448-6930

Ano de publicación: 2016

Número: 3

Páxinas: 4-21

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: El Ornitorrinco Tachado: Revista de Artes Visuales


This paper addresses the antibenjaminian process by which a fake piece becomes almost metaphysically a true and auratic artwork. To study this operation I stuy the exhibition Originalmente falso (2011) by Gabriel de la Mora (Colima, 1968), where 25 fake artworks are transformed into real and legal pieces available on the art market, following a process of intervention, cleaning, and purification of the material, related to minimalist aesthetics. This paper puts its emphasis on dichotomies such as modernity vs late modernity, aura vs trace, art vs market and fake vs original to study artworks. whose poetic is built through appropiation and artistic and ironic intervention of fragments, sediment, debris, ruins or spurious forms of visual culture. The formal procedure of appropriation, intervention and dissociation is defined as allegorical in the way that Benjamin and Owens theorized when they referred to allegory. This paper also examines the dialectic connections between the matrix and the trace and studies how he corpus analyzed is underlain –among other allegorical elements– by allusions, comments, and ironic winks at meta-artistic issues with respect to the modes of representation that characterize late modernity and their relationship to modernism

Referencias bibliográficas

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