Condiciones de trabajo de las personas inmigrantes en España y sus efectos en la salud.abordaje multimétodo

Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Gil de Miguel Director
  2. Fernando García Benavides Co-director

Defence university: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2010

  1. María del Pilar Carrasco Garrido Chair
  2. Ana Isabel Lopez de Andres Secretary
  3. Carlos Alberto Torres Cantero Committee member
  4. Paloma Astasio Arbiza Committee member
  5. Elena Ronda Pérez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 309546 DIALNET


Migratory phenomena are events of undoubted importance for the domain of public health. Spain has received a particularty intense immígration inflow during the last decade compared to other European countries. However there is still very líttle information and evidence regardíng workíng conditions and their effect on migrant workers' health even though working activíty is the central axis of theír migration projects. We have explorad working conditions, the associated risks and health effects on immigrant workers in 5 Spanish cíties through a combination of methods, both qualitative (43 key ¡nformants ¡nterviewed, 158 respondents migrant workers in focus groups and in-depth interviews) and quantítatíve (questionnaire delivered to 2,434 migrant workers and 509 self-employed workers) along wíth secondary sources of ¡nfomiatíon. Results describe different elements of work and social environments that infiuence vulnerability (a factor established as the central determinant of differential employment and working conditions for this group) as well as the invisibility of health problems in available information systems. Groups like domestic sector workers, workers with an irregular migratory status and those with shorter periods of residence present the worst indicators.