Las pancartas tienen la palabraeslóganes, consignas y lemas de los indignados del 15-M

  1. Carlos Navarro Gutiérrez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

II Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas: actas
  1. Francisco García García (coord.)
  2. Rogerio García Fernández (coord.)

Publisher: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 9788493907761

Year of publication: 2011

Volume Title: TOMO II

Tome: 2

Volume: 2

Pages: 1037-1046

Congress: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (2. 2011. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


This paper aims to both the study and the analysisof messages which spread all over the m a j o rspanish urban areas from the moment people “indignant” camped last 15th. of May on P u e r t adel Sol, Madrid´s main gate . Those messages will bespecifically researched when expressed as slogans,sentences or claims on quotidien materials such asposters, boards, sheets and every kind of popularwriting supports. It is our proposal to retrieve conclusions from these new forms of urban communication which, just with the help of writen words, havebecome a surprising, creative and spontaneous vehicle of the citizen´s desires, dreams and frustrations that the economic crisis actually destroyingour world has provoked among them.