Glacier degradation and lahar formation on the Popocatepetl volcano (Mexico) during the last eruptive period (1994-2003)

  1. Tanarro, LM
  2. Zamorano, JJ
  3. Palacios, D
Colección de libros:
Volcanic LandForms, Processes and Hazards
  1. Thouret, JC (coord.)
  2. Chester, DK (coord.)

ISSN: 0044-2798

ISBN: *************

Año de publicación: 2005

Volumen: 140

Páginas: 73-92

Congreso: IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology/Meeting of the Working-Group on Volcanic Landforms, Processes, and Hazards

Tipo: Aportación congreso