Mineralogía de los asbestos de tremolita y serpentina de la zona de Calera de León (Badajoz)

  1. A. Valero Sáez 1
  2. F. González García 1
  3. G. García Ramos 1
  4. R. Coy Yll 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva

    Universidad de Huelva

    Huelva, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03a1kt624

  2. 2 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03yxnpp24

Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía

ISSN: 0210-6558

Datum der Publikation: 1981

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 151-166

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía


A serie of samples provinent from two deposits located nearby Calera de León (Badajoz) have been studied by the authors. The samples have been clasified according with the minerals components in following groups: Deposit of trem olite: 1. Samples with carbonates and amphibol. 2. Quarcitics samples. 3. Volcanics samples. 4. Tremolitics samples. 5. Alterations samples. Skarns of Castillejo: Carbonates and serpentine samples. 2. Diopside samples. 3. Volcanics samples. 4. Serpentine samples. The following determinations have been made: Chemical analysis. Difrerential thermal analysis. X-ray diffraction. Study of the samples on electronic microscopy and petrographical microscopy examination of thin hard slides. Consequently with these tudies, severals minerals caracteristics of the dolomitic limestones metamorphism have been determined; field observations have also been made and with the petrographical microscopy have been verified the more significant paragenesis of the process. In the samples of Castillejo, typicals minerals of skarns have been found.