La marca personal como estrategia de marketing del artista visual en Instagram

Dirigida per:
  1. María Luisa García Guardia Directora
  2. Francisco García García Director/a
  3. Carmen Llorente Barroso Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 30 de de març de 2022

  1. Elena Blanch González Presidenta
  2. Pablo Garrido Pintado Secretari
  3. Juan Salvador Victoria Mas Vocal
  4. Verónica Perales Blanco Vocal
  5. Beatriz Legerén Lago Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This research analyzes the personal brand of visual artists as managers of their own image on Instagram and contributing knowledge to provide a personal brand management model as a marketing strategy resource. From this landmark, there have been studied three subjects: (a) the visual artist and its professional needs; (b) personal branding; and (c) the effectiveness of the marketing strategy on Instagram. The first studied subject is linked to the needs of the visual artist as manager of its own image. To reach the professional status the visual artist must count on several features:(a) focusing its time on the art; (b) Earning income from its artistic activity; (c) getting reputation withing the market and face to other artists; and (d) reaching acknowledge as an artist by the target. In addition to, there have been analyzed the communication tools for the visual artist and how they are applied for creating a personal branding model. The second one is personal branding as a marketing strategy. This research gathers different management models by other authors like an academic base to develop a functional personal branding guide to any professional visual artist on Instagram. The third subject is the effectiveness of Instagram as a digital identity projection tool for content creators.