Estudio de las funciones ejecutivas en la detección del envejecimiento patológico

Supervised by:
  1. Sara Fernández Guinea Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 April 2022

  1. María Luisa Delgado Losada Chair
  2. Mercedes Montenegro Peña Secretary
  3. Valentina Ladera Fernández Committee member
  4. María Victoria Perea Bartolomé Committee member
  5. Pilar Martín Plasencia Committee member

Type: Thesis


The study Estudio de las funciones ejecutivas en la detección del envejecimiento patológico focuses on one of the most important current phenomenon: the evident aging in the population and the rising in the prevalence of related-to-aging illnesses among which the neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (the most common case of dementia), are prominent. Nowadays no efficient pharmacological treatment has been found against neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease. However, early application of nonpharmacological treatments could delay cognitive symptoms of the illness. This fact has established the necessity of finding biomarkers and early cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease. Traditionally, researchers have focused on the cognitive domain of memory as the initial symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Yet the affectation in other capacities in the early stages of the malady, such as the executive functions, are becoming more and more evident. In several occasions, these symptoms are found even in asymptomatic phases, where memory deficits are not evident yet...