Mujeres y conflictos armados.El reconocimiento de los Derechos de las Mujeres y su contribución al Derecho Internacional Humanitario y Derecho Penal Internacional

Dirigée par:
  1. Magdalena Suárez Ojeda Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 24 février 2022

  1. Elena Conde Pérez President
  2. Almudena Cortés Maisonave Secrétaire
  3. Rosa San Segundo Manuel Rapporteur
  4. María Isabel Garrido Gómez Rapporteur
  5. Maria de los Angeles Fromow Rangel Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


According to statistics the probability of a woman being raped in herlifetime is very high. Also, domestic violence is reported as a common occurrence in almost every country in the world.3 Although in most countries,during peacetime, rape and other serious physical violence are considered a crime, during an armed conflict, sexual assault becomes a routine. Women are subjected to sexual violence in a multitude of situations, including in detention camps specifically set up for that purpose, at check points and border crossings, in refugee camps, and in public places. Often the sexual violence takes place in front of others, including family members. Albeit the protection of women during armed conflict has made progress over the past century, due to, inter alia, the efforts of feminist activists, armed conflicts still have an enormous impact on women. The existing violence against women in contemporary armed conflicts demonstrates that gender discrimination still is a tremendous problem and that there is still a need for further attention to this phenomenon and for progress to be made for the protection of women...