Democracia Digital.Espacio público, Procomún y Populismo

Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Villacañas Berlanga Director
  2. Antonio Rivera García Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 24 May 2022

  1. Jordi Maiso Blasco Chair
  2. Cristina Catalina Gallego Secretary
  3. Rafael Herrera Guillén Committee member
  4. Enrique Ujaldón Benítez Committee member
  5. Alfonso Galindo Hervás Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present thesis analyzes the main factors to understand the public space of political deliberation in its relationship with new political movements such as populism. The new forms of digital communication in recent decades make up substantial changes in the exchange of information and the transmission of political content, which become viral by virtue of their polarization capacity. My thesis work is divided into two parts:The first part is about the description and criticism of the prevailing contemporary forms in the digital field and its extension to all areas of human life. Both the distribution of content on social networks and the extent of the hyperconnection of individuals and objects that surround us are determined by the algorithmic management. The new forms of artificial intelligence configure identity and both public and private life in a binary way, the only way in which algorithms are capable of handling information.This generates new forms of polarization and political confrontation. Unable to account for the human life, the algorithm works from an apparent objectivity classifying people in binary categories such as open / closed, inside / outside, innocent / guilty, etc...