Identidad, género y tricontinentalidad en la ultraperiferia española. El caso de Jane Millares

  1. García Morales, Laura Teresa
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Patricia Mayayo Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 von Oktober von 2022

  1. Angeles Alemán Gómez Präsident/in
  2. Olga Fernández López Sekretär/in
  3. Ana Martínez Rus Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This doctoral research, presented as a ‘publications compendium’ is dedicated to the work and the figure of the grancanarian artist Jane Millares (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1928) who was faded into oblivion. The painter was one of the most notorious art pioneers in the Canary islands whose work, developed for more than fifty years long trajectory (1955 - 2011), is now discovered, compiled, and analysed for the first time in this research. Along this Thesis I have tried to study her history, initially starting from a documentation work which enables us to get to a global vision of her carreer, in order to stablish a basis to build on for its further analysis and interpretation. This research seeks to promote a pluralistic approach to the artist, which we have dealt from different thematical axes. The work of Jane Millares Sall was able to synthesise the problems derivaded from this specific outermost and cultural situation in her definitively modern artistic language, with which she got to incorporate reflections of gender and about the idea of coloniality –in its multiple shapes– and also, ideas of existentialist character