El racismo negado : una etnografía sobre el silenciamiento y la sofisticación de las prácticas de discriminación racial en el contexto español

Supervised by:
  1. Adela Franzé Mudanó Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 27 May 2022

  1. Débora Betrisey Nadali Chair
  2. Sergio García García Secretary
  3. Cristina Goenechea Permisán Committee member
  4. Ángeles Ramírez Committee member
  5. Graziella Moraes Silva Committee member

Type: Thesis


The social separation and differentiation mechanisms and logics have changed throughout the history of populations. In this sense, many forms, criteria, codes and formulations have been put in place to socially arrange and differentiate groups throughout the history of humanity. Particularly in recent centuries, these logics have led to the creation of differentiation criteria which are based on the radicalisation of the differences between people and on discriminatory codes. Criteria that organise and base the idea of differences between people on certain traits interpreted as the essenceand which mean an over determination compared to any other possible form of characterisation of people. This is what is ultimately known as racism. With the post-Second World War period and the European construction framework as the backdrop, the following pages present a research study with an anthropological approach which aims to shed light on how the differentiation logics and racial borders are grounded and activated when organising social space, and more specifically, how these have materialised in the Spanish context. An ethnographic study has been carried out where the main subjects are migrants in Spain, and in particular, those residing in the city of Madrid...