Violencia filioparental .Dinámica interaccional entre el sistema familiar y el judicial

Supervised by:
  1. Alfonsa Rodríguez Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 20 May 2022

  1. Aurora Castillo Charfolet Chair
  2. Raúl Soto Esteban Secretary
  3. Maria Dolores de Pedro Herrera Committee member
  4. María José Ruíz García Committee member
  5. Josefa Cardona Cardona Committee member

Type: Thesis


This study deals with violence by adolescents toward their parents from an interactional perspective. As a family problem, this type of violence became visible and was initially approached from healthcare and clinical contexts. Later, it took form as a criminal act, and its prevalence has remained constant in judicial statistics. The intervention of social work professionals in this context is key to the process of understanding the family situation, through technical reports in the form of intervention proposals. To achieve the most appropriate judicial response, it is necessary to approach the beginning and maintenance of the violence, considering both individual and family variables that predispose it. But it is also important to analyse the context in which it occurs, understanding that it is the whole family, including the teenager, who receive the impact of the judicial action. Different families are vulnerable to different events that differentially affect the family interactions that define the binomial of care and control during adolescence. These relational dynamics and growth processes will be globally compromised with the judicial action on the youngster...