La evolución de la personalidad del personaje en el videojuego de última generación a través de la aplicación del acting en la animación

  1. Hidalgo Sola, Jesus
Supervised by:
  1. José Manuel Cuesta Martínez Director
  2. Juan Antonio Chamorro Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 May 2022

  1. Agustín Martín Francés Chair
  2. Jaime Munárriz Ortiz Secretary
  3. Rubén Cantos Leal Committee member
  4. Miguel Oliveros Mediavilla Committee member
  5. Rafael Conde Melguizo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The evolution of a characters personality in next generation videos through the application ofacting in animation.The evolution of the character's personality in the latest generation video game through theapplication of acting in animation.The video game industry has evolved in a very noticeable way in the last twenty yearsthanks to technological advances and the implementation of 3D graphics, resulting in videogames endowed with complex animations rich in interpretive nuances, with a high artisticvalue.The importance of visible acting in the world of acting performance,whether in the theater or in the cinema, it passed into the world of animation thanks to theartistic innovations brought about by the works of Walt Disney, who, although he appliedthese principles in a basic way, was the forerunner of what we can see today in theanimation industry.Disney's innovation in terms of acting was to create and give its characters a unique anddefined personality, which was of vital importance, since that element is what made therecreation of life possible, it is what establishes the form in which the character acts in acertain way in a certain situation, it is what makes living beings unique and therefore it issomething essential since it makes the viewer see and believe in what he is contemplating as something totally real. It is an element that must be present in all animation and that mustalso be perceived and understood by the public...