Criminal Investigation, Technological Development, and Digital Tools: Where Are We Heading?

  1. Bachmaier Winter, Lorena
Investigating and Preventing Crime in the Digital Era
  1. Stefano Ruggeri (dir.)
  2. Lorena Bachmaier Winter (dir.)

Editorial: Springer

ISSN: 2524-8049 2524-8057

ISBN: 9783031139512 9783031139529

Año de publicación: 2022

Páginas: 3-17

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-13952-9_1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor


This introductory chapter discusses three aspects that need to be further studied to understand the impact of digitalization and new technologies in the criminal proceedings and to be able to define how criminal procedure should be structured and in which direction it should move. First, the issue of the blurring division between criminal prevention and repression caused and accelerated to a great extent due to the digital shift which claims for a new scheme on the transfer of information from the security and intelligence units to the criminal investigation authorities. Second, the fact that criminal proceedings are becoming more and more transnational, also due to the fact that the internet and the absence of territorial borders in the virtual space have consequences in the way the cross-border criminal investigation is regulated and carried out. And third, because of such ‘transnationalisation’ of the criminal activities—and criminal assets—with criminal proceedings still bound to domestic rules, it is necessary to rethink the role of criminal law in guaranteeing security in the cyberspace due to the intrinsic limitations of the current normative framework of the criminal procedure. These challenges for the future structure and role of the criminal procedure in the digital society as well as its limits in prosecuting certain cybercrimes are addressed in this chapter.

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