Análisis de la formación permanente del profesorado universitario mediante fotografías tomadas por su alumnado

  1. Bautista García-Vera, Antonio 1
  2. Romera Iruela, María Jesús
  3. Limón Mendizabal, María Rosario 1
  4. Llorens Marín, Miguel 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación

ISSN: 1989-466X 1699-2105

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 41

Issue: 2

Pages: 83-102

Type: Article


More publications in: Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de la Facultad de Educación

Sustainable development goals


This study explores whether university teaching can improve through the photographic materialization of students' perceptions during teaching situations. More specifically, we tapped into whether these photographs could help teachers evoke the content of their experiential images, thus generating doubts that led to any change in their teaching. The experiential, intimate and tacit nature of the data required an interpretative design based on a multiple case study. Data collection was done through photographs and photo-elicitation processes. The results obtained in a focus group, which were coded, showed that the students participated to assess the methodology followed in the subjects. Although their level of photographic literacy was different, they used large shots to show human interactions, and detail shots to focus on relevant elements. Following students’ assessment of lecturers’ work, the latter introduced some changes in their practice, especially for those aspects in which there was a discrepancy between their experiential perception and students’ perceptions. The low rate of change advises a review of the photo-elicitation procedure followed so that more dilemmas in relation to lecturers’ teaching practice can be brought up, thus inducing greater possibilities for change.

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