Elección de técnicas productivas y zonas de implementación para el desarrollo sostenible en el municipio de Rivadavia Banda Norte, Salta, Argentina

  1. Gualotuña Parra, José Alex
Dirixida por:
  1. Juan Bautista Grau Olivé Director
  2. Antonio Saa Requejo Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 de xullo de 2022

  1. Ana María Tarquis Alfonso Presidente/a
  2. Carlos Gregorio Hernández Díaz Ambrona Secretario/a
  3. José Luis Valencia Delfa Vogal
  4. Antonio Paz Gonzalez Vogal
  5. Lourdes Hernández Apaolaza Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Currently, agricultural production plays a fundamental role in developing countries, which is why agricultural production has intensified and has caused social, economic and environmental problems for the population. The municipality of Rivadavia Banda Norte in the province of Salta, Argentina, is a highly complex place for social, environmental and agricultural production reasons. Our research focuses on analysing the choice of the best productive technique(s) and/or the best combination of techniques and their implementation areas for sustainable development. Five productive techniques were evaluated: a) Precision agriculture, focused on the efficiency of material resources with advanced technology; b) Forest management with integrated livestock, proposed by the government of Argentina; c) Payment for ecosystem services, focused on the conservation of natural resources with associated compensations; d) Traditional agriculture-livestock-local-criollo, and e) Traditional forest management-local-wichi, the latter two carried out by the population of the area. Several sustainable development criteria (31) were considered to analyze the techniques. They were evaluated by 18 experts belonging to government institutions, academic professors, independent producers, NGOs and technicians working with people in the study area. The experts evaluated the techniques concerning their implementation in the area. This study proposes a method to analyze the responses of the panel of experts based on obtaining the concordance matrix between experts with the non-parametric correlation, Kendall's tau, and the generation of dendrograms from this matrix. The method is able to locate those techniques that show a high degree of discordance between experts' opinions. The experts' responses are also analyzed with a principal components method capable of analyzing categorical data (CATPCA). This method also allows grouping experts by their opinion and placing them in a double dimension. However, it does so both when they have a similar opinion and when they have an inverse opinion (it considers weights in absolute value). When ranking the productive alternatives by discrete multicriteria methods considering the groups of expert opinions detected, it was found that the positioning of the techniques is influenced by the group of experts considered. The establishment of criteria groups helps us to understand the differential perspective between groups of experts. An efficient optimisation using a Markowitz portfolio model was used to determine the implementation surfaces of the productive alternatives in the work area. This model made it possible to find a portfolio with a minimum risk of area allocation for each technique and minor disagreement in the experts' opinions. In order to assign areas (derived from the previous analysis) more suitable to each productive alternative, a qualification of the available land properties and optimization by linear programming was performed, using the Simplex method, optimizing the area by suitability. A total of 92% of the area has been reached with excellent and optimal adequacy techniques, while none has been below the neutral level (medium).