Iconografía de la feminidad perversa en diferentes mitologías del mundo.Un recorrido por la imagen de la mujer mitológica desde el arte antiguo hasta la actualidad

Supervised by:
  1. Montserrat Hormigos Vaquero Director
  2. Óscar Hernández Muñoz Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 September 2022

  1. Asunción Bernárdez Rodal Chair
  2. Beatriz Fernández Ruiz Secretary
  3. Olaya Fernández Guerrero Committee member
  4. Irene Ballester Buigues Committee member
  5. Carlos A. Cuéllar Alejandro Committee member

Type: Thesis


The wicked feminity is a wide woman’s profile into the universal mythology that hold on all those feminine characters who tend to be evil, abyect or questionable in character, at least for its ambiguity, because of their physical appearance, personality or facts. All this vilification have produced a long list of speeches who despise the image of a woman who does not adapt to the social mold. Speeches which have perverted them, more if possible, on certain key points throughout History, such as the witch hunts since 15th century or the decadents ones of the 19th century. As a result, society has been defined with a highly misogynistic character, a fact that has been reflected in its religions and beliefs, followed by artistic representations and, consequently, has reached the present day feeding the imaginary. To analyze it in depth, forty-five female characters have been selected, which have been grouped into eight large groups according to common characteristics. Their myth, their iconography and symbolism has been analyzed from when they were conceived artistically, untill the present time, including cases where they appear on cinema, television series, literature, comics and video games, among others. In addition, this work is given a voice to creative women and their artistic and discursive works that invert the patriarchal thinking associated with these feminine characters. In this way, the History and the myth of the perverse women has rose up to let them take the position they deserve within the imaginary.