Catéter venoso central con fármacos vasoactivos : alteraciones hemodinámicos y analíticas.Utilización de muestra arterial para control de glucemia

Supervised by:
  1. Marta López Herranz Director
  2. Juan Vicente Benéit Montesinos Director
  3. José Luis García Klepzig Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2022

  1. Jacinto Gómez Higuera Chair
  2. Esther Alicia García Morales Secretary
  3. Elda Baigorri Ruiz Committee member
  4. Salvador Postigo Mota Committee member
  5. Pedro Villalta García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The use of research in our practice as nurses includes, asking questions and questioning daily practice. The search for knowledge, leads nursing professionals, to the use of already validated measurement instruments to carry out research projects.CVCs (Central Venous Catheters) are frequently used in intensive care and resuscitation units for patient management in critical situations. These catheters provide valuable information for diagnosis, patient assessment and treatment, mainly in severe situations of hemodynamic instability hospital consensus on the use of these catheters. Is of vital importance, since they provide a very useful tool and increasingly less potential risks associated with their use.A CVC is considered as such when its distal end is located in the inferior vena cava, superior vena cava or in any area of the cardiac anatomy...