Los Borbones en el siglo XVIII, Señores de Chinchón
- Gloria Ángeles Franco Rubio Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 15 June 2022
- María Elisa Martínez de Vega Chair
- Natalia González Heras Secretary
- María Ángeles Pérez Samper Committee member
- José Martínez Millán Committee member
- Inmaculada Arias de Saavedra Alías Committee member
Type: Thesis
This current work tackles two main and clearly defined goals. The former is to expose the daily life details of the inhabitants in Chinchón township during the 1700s; the latter, is to exxamine in depth the changes and the transformation that took place in it due to the sale of the shire property by the local aristocratic owners to some Royal Family members during the early years in the 17th century. The historical development of this transformation has been covered from its origins to its establishment as a hamlet belonging to the jurisdiction of Segovia the town, its promotion as the county capital and, finally, the status of village with the honourable title of Highly Noble, Highly Loyal, signed by Phillip V as a reward for their unconditional support during the War of the Spanish Succession. In the following pages, the evolution of the population in Chinchón will be described through the Ancien Régime, not only as the administrative capital of the county it was, but also as a locality with an obvious demographic and economic vigour. These particular circumstances of the village, together with the patronage of its earls, turned it into the birthplace of some of the most typical institutions in the Enlightenment, such as the Royal Factory of Spirits or the Trade Company of French Expatriates, as well as, the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country...