Efecto inmediato del calzado minimalista en la musculatura del suelo pélvico en mujeres sanas nulíparas durante noventa segundos de carrera

Supervised by:
  1. Pablo García Fernández Director
  2. María José Díaz Arribas Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 May 2022

  1. David Rodríguez Sanz Chair
  2. Patricia Martín Casas Secretary
  3. Carlos Romero Morales Committee member
  4. María Aránzazu Sánchez Calabuyg Committee member
  5. Cecilia Estrada Barranco Committee member

Type: Thesis


Running shoes have undergone an immense change, from the appearance of the minimalist footwear used by our ancestors to the present day where cushioned and technological shoes are on the rise. Previous studies have shown the influence of footwear on biomechanical and kinetic changes in runner. However, no previous research has described the effect that occurs in the SP and in the abdominal-lumbo-pelvic area in women. “Objective”: The purpose of this study is to examine the short-term changes derived from minimalist and traditional footwear in biomechanics and in the activation of the SP and the abdomino-lumbo-pelvic muscles in female runners at different speeds.