Las relaciones diplomáticas hispano-francesas (1795-1808). Las exigencias del pragmatismo políticoel Pacto de Familia pero sin familia

unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Dolores Herrero Fernández-Quesada Doktormutter
  2. José Cepeda Gómez Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 22 von April von 2022

  1. Carmen Sanz Ayán Präsidentin
  2. José Antonio López Anguita Sekretär
  3. Cinzia Recca Vocal
  4. Emilio La Parra López Vocal
  5. Antonio Juan Calvo Maturana Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This doctoral thesis, entitled Hispanic-French diplomatic relations (1795-1808). The demands of political pragmatism: the Family Pact, but without a family, is centered around providing a new interpretation on diplomatic relations between Spain and France during the reign of Carlos IV. Our main hypothesis focuses on verifying that the foreign policy of the monarch came to be the culmination of the policy of Family Pacts followed by the Bourbons during most of the 18th century, and that the alliance of San Ildefonso in 1796 would lead the Spanish monarchy to a new Family Pact, but without a family.In that sense, as a primary objective, this thesis has pursued the exhaustive documentation of the evolution of the Hispanic-French relations, which have not been treated in any work in an exempt way in the period we are studying. Likewise, an attempt has been made to fill the historiographic void that exists at certain points in the political relations between these two powers, bringing to the fore dark episodes that have been insufficiently documented or considered irrelevant so far. Finally, we have aspired to highlight the importance of the figure of Carlos IV, María Luisa, and Godoy, as the true directors and managers of Spanish foreign policy at the time...