Una aproximación al concepto de marca territoriomarca “Barcelona” y marca “Madrid” como representantes del place branding Español

  1. Olga Heredero Díaz 1
  2. Miguel Ángel Chaves Martín 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Ciudades creativas. IV Congreso Internacional. Tomos I y II
  1. García García, Francisco (coord.)
  2. García Guardia, María Luisa (coord.)
  3. Taborda Hernández, Ernesto (coord.)

Publisher: Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016

Year of publication: 2016

Tome: 1

Volume: 1

Pages: 485-500

Congress: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (4. 2016. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


In the new globalized society in which there are fewercommunicational boundaries, each territory is likely to beperceived by the rest of the world. A universalization whichpositions most places in a global market where uniformityis the greatest danger. This need for differentiation makesit essential to use marketing strategies for place brands.After a terminological approach to the mainconcepts related to place brands, as well as some of themodels proposed for its construction, will analyze twoprocesses of city branding with conflicting results in orderto value the construction of a place brand concept that isitself a management philosophy compared to approachesthat are committed to promoting the places as a limitedissue to the image. Thus, the successful building of brand“Barcelona” , whose management was primarily aimedat leaving a confused and localist identity and promotingits unique position as one of the most cosmopolitan andvital Mediterranean cities, will be the counterpoint to thedifficulties in consolidating brand “Madrid”.