The Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration

  1. Angoura, Stavroula
Supervised by:
  1. Burkhard Hess Director

Defence university: Université du Luxembourg

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2020

  1. Séverine Menétrey Chair
  2. Athanassios Kaissis Secretary
  3. Enrique Vallines García Committee member
  4. Jens Kleinschmidt Committee member

Type: Thesis


The thesis investigates whether a common international public policy core exists with regard to the concepts of ‘impartiality’ and ‘independence’ of arbitrators. Emphasis is placed on the mechanism of waiver and how it prevents a party from contesting arbitrator impartiality at the next procedural stage, should it fail to follow the specific procedures and preconditions.